Information and FAQ
ALS: Advanced Life Support
ALS refers specifically to paramedics. These are individuals that have extensive, college level medical training and education. Their skills encompass patient assessment, IV placement, intubation, cardiac rhythm assessment and diagnosis, medication administration and pain management, fluid resuscitation, splinting etc. Our paramedic staff is a group of dedicated individuals striving to provide compassionate and cutting edge care to the community.
EMT: Emergency Medical Technician
EMT refers specifically to a medical technician. Trained in medicine and life saving capabilities they provide the backbone of our service. Each individual went through a rigorous course designed to give them a working knowledge of emergency medicine. Their skills encompass patient assessment, splinting, airway interventions, medications, CPR etc. Our company will only continue to grow and serve the community with the help and support of our faithful and dedicated EMT staff. Many of whom served Boundary County tirelessly as volunteers until transitioning to paid positions. They continue to remain valued members of our staff to date.
The Ambulance Unit
An EMT and paramedic working together make up the ambulance crew. They are the team that arrives in your homes or to the hospital to assist and care for you in a time of medical need. Each providing their expertise, skill and muscle to create an impromptu mobile emergency department that will transport you to definitive care. They have the ability to assess, treat and transport a vast array of patients. We work along side regional hospitals and Life Flight to provide Boundary County with prompt and compassionate care.
“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity. ”
― Hippocrates
How long are the shifts?
Emergencies or medical needs generally don’t wait to be scheduled and do not keep 9-5 hours. So Boundary Ambulance provides 911 coverage around the clock to meet each need as it arises. Crews work a rotating 48/96 schedule, meaning they are on for 48 hours straight and then are off for 96 hours.
Do crews have to stay awake the whole shift?
While on shift they live at a station, where they carry out a “normal” existence accomplishing chores, charting, inventory, practicing skills, making meals and working on continuing education. Part of shift will also include sleeping as calls permit.
How do you staff the ambulance?
Fully staffed there will be two paramedics and one EMT on every shift. Typically the Captain covers the county in a chase vehicle while the Lieutenant covers the county in an ambulance with the EMT. This allows for an adaptive staffing module that can handle multiple calls or medical needs. On-call drivers are utilized to cover inter-facility transfers which assists in maintaining ALS coverage in the county.
Do you just handle 911 calls? Who takes patients out of the county if they need to go to another hospital?
Boundary Ambulance handles transfer coverage for Boundary Community Hospital whether it is emergent or non-emergent transfers. Our transfer coverage extends to Sandpoint, Coeur d'Alene, Spokane, Libby, Kalispell, Lewiston and Seattle. Transfers range from two to fourteen hours round trip. It is not unusual for crews to handle multiple or back to back transfers in a shift.
Do you work with other agencies?
Boundary Ambulance also provides mutual aid to Bonner County EMS in the form of coverage and transfer assistance. Our agency strives to maintain a robust relationship with all Boundary County Fire departments and provides medical assistance and fire rehab as needed.
If my family member falls and I need help lifting them do I get charged?
No, currently lift assists and non-transport calls are not billed to you or your family, this is a courtesy we offer the community.
Do you charge per supply you use or for each IV you put in?
No, we do not charge for each supply (i.e. bandages, medications or splinting material used.) Nor is there a charge per intervention such as IV starts or intubation performed. We also do not upsell your care. The provider level, supply and interventions chosen are directly dictated by the patient’s health needs at the time as determined by the staff working directly with the patient.
So what services do you offer?
911 Emergency Medical Response
Advanced Life Support
Inter-facility Ambulance Transports to Regional Hospitals
Community Paramedic Outreach
Wildland fire medical response
Special event medical standby
CPR and EMT training
Blood Pressure Testing through Hypertension Clinics